May went by a lot faster than I expected. I wasn’t as productive as I would have liked, and I’m farther behind on the print versions than I have ever been. I’m planning to launch them behind the ebook version. I feel like I’m pulling out of this unproductive period, though, so that’s good. I’ve also discovered some new software I’m eager to try out. I have seen a pattern over and over again of me going through periods of productivity and then periods of funks. I think I just need to accept that things will be that way and make the most of the good times.
I’m rearranging how I do things a little for Shifting Loot in June. I’m going to try doing the cover art first, that way I can have a completed cover on Amazon right away. I think that might work better. I might also work on the blurb, but I’m not sure I want to do that before I’ve decided on the final story.
Well, until next time…
Shifting Paradigms
End of Month Goal: Finish Draft 1 (Bonus Goal)
Progress: Didn’t work on.
Deadline Status: On Time
Shifting Cargo
End of Month Goal: Finish Draft 5. Finish Cover Art. Prepare for Launch.
Progress: Finished Draft 5. Finished Cover Art. Everything is ready for the ebook launch. Waiting on IngramSpark so I can order proof copies.
Deadline Status: Slightly behind schedule
June 2021 Goals
- Shifting Loot: Finish Cover Art. Finish Draft 2.
- Shifting Paradigms: Finish Draft 1 (Bonus Goal)
Release Deadlines:
- Shifting Cargo: June 15, 2021
- Shifting Loot: October 15, 2021
- Shifting Paradigms: TBD
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Danielle Forrest is a Paranormal SciFi author and Medical Laboratory Scientist based out of Indianapolis, IN.
She has dedicated her life so far to two things: Science & Books
So it really shouldn’t be a surprise if science finds it’s way into even the most fantastical examples of her writing.
Sign up for her mailing list to get access to exclusive content and updates.